Social Security Disability Revealed: Why it's so hard to access benefits and what you can do about it - an insider overview on the inner workings of the Social Security Administration with an in-depth view on applying for Disability benefits, why you might not succeed, and how to make the process easier on yourself. Now available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook!
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Short bio: Author Spencer Bishins spent over 7 years drafting disability decisions for the Social Security Administration and almost 4 years at the SSA Appeals Council. This book offers an honest, probing look at the current state of disability benefits, and offers suggestions on how to make the application and appeals process as simple as possible.
Disability News Wire's book review of Social Security Disability Revealed
Washington Post article on issues with SSA judges and remands
Author interviews:
Cryin' and Tryin': The Comprehensive Guide
Motherhood Unfiltered: It's Going to be Okay
Searching for Political Identity
Social Security Disability Podcast (part 1)
Social Security Disability Podcast (part 2)
Social Security Disability Podcast (part 3)
Sparkles for Better Mental Health
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Full description of the book